Thursday, March 08, 2007

Changes to the UTEP library in the past couple of years:
1. There is now a fully-functioning coffee shop in the lobby that serves really good cappuccino muffins and sandwiches and caffe mochas. I never thought I'd see the day that would happen. It makes the whole library smell slightly different than before, though not in a bad way.
2. Government documents have moved to the basement and the browsing collection is now on the first floor. Now there's a large open area of sofas and tables next to all the "popular" books. Also the books are now on higher shelves where before they were on these really low shelves that you'd have to lean down uncomfortably to look at. This is a much nicer browsing area than before.
3. I'm writing this from the computer lab on the first floor. The computer lab used to be one room on the second floor, kind of hidden, where you'd have to show your UTEP ID to some bored kid behind the counter. And there were never enough computers. Now the computer lab takes up most of the first floor that's not in the "browsing area" and you can log using your e-mail log-in. Any time I have come here the computer lab is full of students.

Kudos to the UTEP library for making some cool changes. I have this theory that the whole world is transforming into one huge Internet cafe.

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