Monday, March 12, 2007

Things I'm planning to do over spring break

  • Read. I'm currently reading three books simultaneously--Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (which is huge compared to the first three Potter books), The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama (almost done with this one), and a short story collection by Alice Munro (I forget the name, but the thing about her writing is that every story seems similar and yet they're all good). I have this internal debate going on: is it better to read books, magazines, newspapers, or things on the Internet (blogs, etc.)? I suppose the answer is a combination of the three. At various times I read one category more than the others. One time a magazine editor spoke in a class I was taking, and she mentioned that she was very caught up on magazines but hardly ever read books. Not surprising, considering her job, but it made me wonder, how does that shape a person's way of processing information? You must start thinking in magazine article prose. Likewise for someone who reads only newspapers, or only books, or only blogs.
  • Cook. Sometimes I feel like I'm eating plastic food because I've eaten the exact same dinner so many times, the same dinner that wasn't even that good the first time. I'm no great cook--all my recipes come from Rachael Ray's 30-Minute Meals--but I thought I'd try out some new recipes now that I have some time on my hands.
  • Practice piano. Currently stuck on the piano arrangement of Pachelbel's Canon.
  • Watch loads of TV. Bad, bad me. Last night I watched Deal or No Deal.
  • Update the blog. Which I'm doing right now, of course.

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