Thursday, February 22, 2007


OK, I'm guilty. I've been neglecting my blog. I used to wonder why people suddenly quit blogging. Now I know why. They just get busy with their lives. They are so busy living that they don't have time to write about it.

Lately I just want to write things that are more ambitious. Things that can't be written in an hour. It is just so tempting to spout off when have you this forum where you can write something and see it published instantly. But people take years to write novels and memoirs. They spend hours agonizing over word choices and what details to include. And I realize I want to do that. I want to spend the time and really do justice to what I have to say. If it takes six months, then it takes six months. There's no hurry. I want to really write instead of just documenting whatever half-formed ideas are floating around in my head.

And I do want to be more personal. I don't want to shut off my life to whoever reads this. I do want it to say something about who I am. I don't want it only to be a space to paste up whatever fun links I come across. Which it seems to be lately. But the shocking self-revelations will come when there's time. So stick around.

1 comment:

Frank said...

maybe you're not inspired.