Friday, June 08, 2007

I love this interview with J.K. Rowling from 2000. Tiny excerpt:
Joanne Rowling is no good at small talk. In fact, there is a chance she is
incapable of it. Within minutes of sitting down she is talking about death and
fate.....Life does not come in a neat package, I say, and she pounces on this.
"People do want life to be neat. That is undoubtedly true. But you know the four
great truths of Buddha: the first one is 'Life is Suffering'. I love that. I
LOVE THAT. Because I think YES. Life is not supposed to be neat. And it's a
comfort. It's a comfort to all of us who have messed up. And then you find your
way back, bizarrely. And I'm sure to mess up again at some point - though, I
hope, not on such a grand scale."

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