Sunday, August 19, 2007

Favorite words in Italian

Words I learned in my class this summer, in no particular order. Note that 'c' is pronounced as a 'ch' sound in English when it comes before an 'e' or 'i' and 'ch' in Italian is pronounced like a 'k' sound in English.

buona sera good evening

arrivederci good bye

bella beautiful

molto bene very good

brutto ugly

piovere to rain

piangere to cry

attraversare to cross over

piacere to please mi piace la pizza I like the pizza (we ended up talking about pizza a lot in Italian class)

mangiare to eat

leggere to read

scrivere to write

semafori stoplights

andiamo avanti let's go forward

non lo so I don't know

amare to love

parlare to speak parlo italiano I speak Italian

stasera tonight

uomo man

donna woman

cane dog

gatto cat

uccello bird

piazza plaza

ho sonno I'm tired

ho paura I'm scared

a piedi on foot

bambino child

sorella sister

fratello brother

moglie wife

marito husband

piccolo small

basso short

grasso fat

magro skinny

testa head ho mal di testa I have a headache

macchina car

ieri yesterday

domani tomorrow

cucina kitchen

dove where

aggiustare to fix

profesoressa teacher

piatto plate

capire to understand non capisco I don't understand

scarpe shoes

sempre always

stanca tired

pomodoro tomato

ragazza girl

l'estate summer

pomeriggio afternoon

raffreddore a cold

burro butter

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