Saturday, August 05, 2006

Storm 2006 update

"August 2006: The days a drought-stricken city stopped praying for rain" reads the banner on the El Paso Times' Photos of the Week feature. It's still unbelievable that this actually happened in El Paso. I've been to that Sun Harvest grocery store so many times, it's so odd to see the photo of it flooded with water.

Five days later we're still a soggy city, the clouds are still out and ponds and lakes have appeared all over the city that weren't there last Monday. This was a week to remember for sure. Fortunately it looks like the end is in sight. The sun came out for a few hours mid-afternoon today, and the forecast for Monday looks hot and dry. Thank God for that, I think this city has had enough rain to last for the next year or two.

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